
Cockroach History

Where do roaches come from?

The cockroach, having been present on the planet amongst the first insects, currently has no proven origin. Scientist know that most roaches have come from the tropical regions all over the world and adapted to colder conditions - having over 300milion years to do so. The roach is suspected to have come onto the scene around 355 million years ago with the earliest roach-like fossil. They call this specimen a roachid, or the blattopteran. The fossil doesn’t exactly mimic todays roach with it being remarkably close to its cousin in evolution, the praying mantis, which does share features in this fossil.


Cockroach allergy

Cockroaches are insects that have been around for hundreds of millions of years, and are well-known pests that infest human dwellings. In addition to carrying various bacteria that can be transmitted to people, cockroaches are known to cause or worsen various allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis and asthma. While there are thousands of species of cockroaches, the American cockroach (scientific name Periplaneta americana) and German cockroach (scientific name Blatella germanica) are most likely to cause allergies. 


How do roaches get into homes?

No one wants to shoulder the blame when it comes to a roach infestation at home. Admitting that your house or apartment has roaches is like pinning a scarlet "R" on your chest for all to see.

Ways to Get Rid of Roaches

Before you start spraying pesticides on every open surface of your house in an attempt to kill the roaches, you need to strategize. Plotting out an attack on a group of insects may sound borderline crazy, but you'll have more success if you plan ahead.

Pest Control for Roaches

Once you've taken away food and water sources for roaches, you're ready to kick them out of their nests. Using the sticky traps, you should have a good idea of where they live. Next, find any cracks or crannies in that area or places that you've seen roaches escape. Fill those gaps with a flexible caulk that prevents roaches from getting back into your living space.