
How To Get Rid of Australian Roaches

How To Get Rid of Australian Roaches

 The Australian Cockroach is similar in appearance to the American cockroach, reddish-brown in color, and winged. However, the Australian cockroach is slightly smaller than the American, growing to be approximately 1 1/4"-1 3/8". The Australian Cockroach also has a yellow margin on the thorax, and yellow streaks at its sides at the base of the wings.


Australian cockroach. All about it!

 The Australian cockroach is one of several species of peridomestic cockroaches (cockroaches that live mostly outdoors, but occasionally may be found indoors) and the most common cockroach species found outdoors in southern Florida. 

Cockroaches. Anatomy and habits

 Like most other insects, cockroaches have an exoskeleton, meaning their skeleton is located on the outside of their bodies. They have three simple body parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen. Their head is dominated by their long antennae that are constantly moving and sensing the environment. 


Controlling Cockroaches

 When RoboRoach appeared as a Kickstarter project in June, the project to control a living cockroach’s movements using a smartphone, generated buzz and was successfully funded. Now the project is poised for a large-scale launch in November, but some dissidents have raised ethics concerns about the way it frames animal experimentation.